![]() We are in the second week of July 2021 and this is the heat of the wedding season for most wedding professionals. This year I am performing more than double my usual amount of ceremonies due to delays from last year and the beginning of this year and hopefully because couples love my style and what I have to offer. So what are weddings looking like right now? I would say everything, they look like big, glorious celebrations and intimate, sweet little celebrations. The beauty of this summer's wedding's is that couples have really chosen what suites them best and are going for it! So I've seen all sorts of different ceremonies and locations and traditions and each one of them perfectly suited to their couple. If you are thinking, gosh I just want to get married, then do it! Email me and let's talk about the options and what sounds the best for you. Covid has turned our lives upside down. Let me talk specifically about how it has effected couples looking to get married.
Many couples have had to postpone, reschedule and put on hold their wedding plans. And some couples have done this more than once now. If you are feeling sad, confused, frustrated and downright depressed and upset...you are not alone and your feelings are allowed and valid. I repeat...Your feelings are allowed and valid Planning your wedding takes a whole lot of time, effort and money and having to set those plans on hold, only to replan and then maybe even replan again is nothing anyone of us could plan for, neither couples planning a wedding and those of us in the wedding industry. To the couples who have weddings planned for 2021 and are wondering and thinking, I really hope we can still have our wedding, I've got one bit of advice for you. Hire a wedding planner now. Get someone on your side now who is experienced in handling all things wedding and can relieve some stress for you. They can assist you in current covid gathering guidelines and help you with any replanning or postponing or pairing down of your wedding necessary. I understand a wedding planner may not be in your budget, if this is the case let's sort out a few things.
Having been married 20 years ago myself, if I try to put myself in the shoes of today's couples I think I would want to get married now and party later. I would plan an intimate ceremony now with my parents and siblings and zoom it. Then, I would plan for a big reception only event for next year or later. But that's me, and what is important is that you do what is right for YOU! Again, there is no right or wrong answer's only your answer. Please reach out to me if I can be of any help to you, even if it's just for you to vent your frustrations, I'll listen. xo, Nichole In Michigan it was -9 degrees when I took my son to school this morning. It's now a balmy 14 degrees and guess what...I'm still doing signings and elopements outdoors!
Why you might ask?
![]() Your walk down the aisle may look different than you first imagined but the person your meeting at the end of that aisle...we'll that's what it's all about. It's a unique time to be planning a wedding...that's an understatement! Don't loose sight of the "why" you are planning a wedding. You're planning this wedding to marry the person you can't live the rest of your life without. You're planning this wedding to celebrate your love and solidify the beginning of the rest of your life together. So while you are busy planning focus on the why and perhaps the rest will fall into place a little more easily. As we approach the colder months I encourage you to continue to follow the guidelines for indoor gatherings. Mask up, social distance and get married! Guys, Winter is Coming...![]() So here's the thing, I don't predict our gathering and wedding restrictions getting lifted anytime soon, with that being said, we'll be outdoors this winter! And winter is going to be here sooner rather than later, it's Michigan after all. If I had my way, we would just skip winter, I'm more of a 75 degree and sunny kinda lady. Any-who, my point is, if you are holding out and hoping you'll be able to host that amazing 200 person wedding come November or December, I'm just not confident that's going to happen so please start making back up plans now so you don't stress out (even more) waiting. I've done some amazing outdoor ceremonies, snow falling, pretty winter blanket covering the ground, teeth chattering, nose running, I've done plenty and they are amazing. But they take careful planning. And only a few venues I know of can do it right. So, here's the options we're presented with:
What I'm saying is, now is the time to take action, not wait and see, my personal opinion is that we won't see the restrictions for gatherings and weddings lifted anytime soon, not with winter coming. xo, Nichole My heart aches for the couples who just want to get married![]() It's difficult knowing that there are so many loving couples out there who simply want to be married and are just stuck in a holding pattern, left wondering and waiting. I am here with you, I'm standing with you also wondering when and where and what it will look like when were able to get back to the happy place of weddings again. I love talking about everything wedding and that has not changed. If you need to talk about your wedding day, if you just need to vent to talk about the loss of what has not happened or talk through how to postpone, how best to move forward I am here. You can contact me and we can talk it through, we can make a plan, we can cry together or just be quiet together. The thing is, we can do it together - whatever the it is that you need right now. Nichole Bertucci [email protected] |
Author: NICHOLELove stories are my passion Categories
January 2025