Details on small wedding ceremoniesSmall wedding, intimate wedding, elopement, they all kind of mean the same thing nowadays...A gathering of your closest people you love, a short and sweet wedding ceremony and signing your license to make it legal.
have 2 studio spaces that you may choose to rent for your small wedding ceremony located in Pontiac and Holly. We also love to use our local parks or restaurants with banquet rooms. As long as you are flexible with the time of your ceremony I can usually accommodate any day. I often recommend a sunset weekday though as the outdoor locations surely are not as busy and the sunset will make for fantastic pictures. Speaking of pictures, any wedding needs to be captured! I have some great photographers to recommend, but if cost is tight, I suggest at least dedicating one of your guest to capture the day for you. For the ceremony, the wedding ceremony is sweet and simple under 10 minutes and includes exchanging vows and rings (if you like). My small wedding's typically do not have a wedding party (groomsmen, bridesmaids) as it's a less formal event. Should you wish to have a wedding party you absolutely can, just please be aware of arriving on time and organizing yourselves so we may begin on time. The day of your wedding I will arrive 15 minutes before our start time, I will meet with you to review the ceremony and collect the marriage license, I will then direct guests to take their place along with me. You are welcome to "walk down the aisle" or casually gather with us. We will perform the ceremony, once I pronounce you as married, you can greet your guests for congratulations and then we will sign the license. Remember you will need two witnesses to be over 18 as they must sign the marriage license with us. And there you have it, small, intimate, elopement weddings are simple and beautiful. I can write your wedding ceremony for youRight now, things are changing, slowly and rapidly and as soon as I think I've got my wedding's rescheduled and figured out, a new wave of couples are contacting me to move dates and I support all of them.
Sometimes when you choose that new wedding date you may find it difficult to locate a professional Officiant on short notice so you make the choice to ask a family member or friend to help you out, I support this to! It's how I got my start after all. But asking that special person to write a ceremony, or taking on the task of writing your own ceremony can create undo stress. That's where I come in and save the day. I can draft a wedding ceremony for you, we will discuss the details of your day and once drafted I will email the wedding ceremony to you for review, at that point we can do a phone call or exchange emails to continue to edit the wedding ceremony until it is perfect for you. On top of writing your wedding ceremony I offer a consultation with your new Officiant. I can walk them through becoming legally ordained in the state of Michigan and offer tips on how to best perform your wedding ceremony and how to sign the license. Performing a wedding ceremony is no simple feat, I always suggest hiring a professional to be with you on your day, but when that's simply not an option I am here to help. |
Author: NICHOLELove stories are my passion Categories
January 2025