Battle Alley, Downtown Holly MiBattle Alley, downtown Holly MI is located in the heart of downtown Holly, it is a side street lined with shops and bistro lights and tables and chairs set out for public use. The murals and atmosphere lend itself to a quaint setting for your signing service. This is an all outdoor space, so be prepared for the elements or to duck into the local coffee shop or bakery if needed. I love this space for the hallmark movie feels and the pictures! Waterworks Park, Holly MIJust outside of downtown Holly is a slip of land called Waterworks Park, its a great drop in site for kayakers but it also has this great natural stream side space for a small ceremony or signing. This is an outdoor only location, be prepared for the elements if necessary. I love this park for the natural backdrop it provides. Bush Park, Fenton MIJust outside of downtown Fenton is Bush Park, if you enter off of Leroy Road you land right at the Gazebo which is available to rent or we can take a walk and find the perfect spot near the stream or willow trees for your intimate ceremony or signing. I love this park for the many options of spaces it provides and having a covered gazebo in case of rain certainly is nice. Remember this is a public park so there will be people, dogs and others milling about and enjoying the scene. Indoor SuggestionsIf you are looking for an indoor space for your intimate wedding or signing I suggest renting one of the many rooms at the Fenton Community Center. May I also suggest a weekday booking with them as you can get a room for an hour for around $50! Cost efficient and pretty!
Author: NICHOLELove stories are my passion Categories
January 2025